Menstruation- a subject still hidden from society, but is it fair?!

Did you know that the thought and odd attitude towards Menstruation and Menstrual Cycle, period and Blood dates over 500 years ago?! Yes, with weird, brutal segregative acts around it…

To you, the woman I cherish

Speechless I turnout to be if told to compare you… To you the woman who welcomed the idea of cherishing this feeble body that God had granted the greatest gift- life. And through those arms, you daily from day one connected with me, to understand me more-no doubt you know better.Watching me make my first step, smile and all effort lighted up your face.

FGM still haunting Girls in Kenya, Uganda

The documentary also features interviews by Kenya based health personnel who too testify against the ritual saying that it leads to reproductive complications especially among expectant mothers and that there is a high risk of disease infections among those being circumcised since it is carried out by people outside the health sector; equipment used isn’t sterilized


The weaker gender!-no more, to only cook, deliver children, stay home accomplishing the chores or do farm work she was meant. Not a word of advice-however developmental could be heard from her in meetings but only to listen, abide and implement whatever the idea was from the ‘Men’. Not even in their own marriage didContinue reading “A WOMAN”