Africa’s thirst for Human Rights (2)

It can hardly be sieved-the difference between Civil Society and the governments, of course those in governance, elites and the a few who’ve come across this knowledge in a higher learning institutions can; leaving the majority at crossroads. Most education curriculums in Africa aren’t designed this way that Human Rights are ventured into at aContinue reading “Africa’s thirst for Human Rights (2)”

Africa’s thirst for ‘Human Rights’ (1)

It is at this discussion at Goethe institute in Kigali that I further realized what the common people-that matter most do ever miss out! Our main center of focus was ‘Human Rights’ and the panelists mainly constituted of representatives from civil society organizations. And ofcourse as an interesting discussion can be; the panelists did theirContinue reading “Africa’s thirst for ‘Human Rights’ (1)”